We have a list of EBA Accounts and I would like to know the number of users for each as well as their product mix. Will need CSNs to join both lists.
Prithvi, Myself and Barna synced with NIyati. Based on this discussion we have shared request with Niyati. Marking this ticket closed.Link to file shared: https://share.autodesk.com/sites/GSIAnalytics/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FGSIAnalytics%2FShared%20Documents%2FReports%20Shared%20to%20Stakeholders%2FCSGSI%2DI%2D36%20%2D%20Product%20Mix&viewid=a8096c4d%2D7957%2D4304%2Dbcd5%2D5af38a9781d8
Need to clarify what info is needed. We don't have EBA (Token Consumption) data.
FYI.. we primarily work with Non-EBA accounts.
@Prithvi Hudar will be working closely with Barnabas and Niyati on this request.
Prithvi, Myself and Barna synced with NIyati. Based on this discussion we have shared request with Niyati. Marking this ticket closed.
Link to file shared: https://share.autodesk.com/sites/GSIAnalytics/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FGSIAnalytics%2FShared%20Documents%2FReports%20Shared%20to%20Stakeholders%2FCSGSI%2DI%2D36%20%2D%20Product%20Mix&viewid=a8096c4d%2D7957%2D4304%2Dbcd5%2D5af38a9781d8
Need to clarify what info is needed. We don't have EBA (Token Consumption) data.
FYI.. we primarily work with Non-EBA accounts.
@Prithvi Hudar will be working closely with Barnabas and Niyati on this request.